Pollyanna Gift Exchange

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What is Pollyanna? Pollyanna or Pollyanna Gift Exchange is another name for White Elephant Gift Exchange that’s popular in some of the States, predominantly in Southeastern Pennsylvania and South Jersey. This Christmas party gift exchange game often takes place in schools and offices as well as family gatherings in the beginning of December of each year.

Other Names For Pollyanna

Pollyanna Christmas game has other names as well, often referred as Chinese Pollyanna or Christmas Pollyanna. The Definition of “Pollyanna” is: An excessively cheerful or optimistic person. and the name of this exchange has originated because of the type of presents that are swapped during Pollyanna Christmas and because of the type of atmosphere that is created in those fun times.

Every Pollyanna participant brings a unique/wacky gift to give it to someone in the gift exchange in secret. This yearly tradition bring lots of fun and joy, because most of the gifts are ridiculously hilarious and even inappropriate at times to make the recipient blush! Because the recipient does not know who their Secret Santa is, they can get away with almost anything.

Pollyana Rules

Pollyanna rules are simple. Everyone is randomly assigned a person to get a gift for. No one knows who is getting them a present. The maximum amount for each present is decided and agreed upon. On the day of the party everyone brings and places a gift in a pile stealthily. Then, when all the participants gather up, they start opening their Pollyanna Gifts.

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Are you running a gift exchange this Christmas season? Want your company or group to be featured by Sasssy Santa? Just contact us and we will feature your story on our blog, along with a funny or happy picture of your party for the whole world to see!